2009 Garden Competition

This page is incomplete and the completed version is on our new website.


The 2009 Hills District and Bunya Garden Competition Committee is chaired by Sue Coutts.  New and recycled committee members are always welcome - please email gardencomp@fhpa.org.au if you are able to assist in any way.


We've also identified some useful waterwise links:

Moreton Bay Water

Waterwise Gardens

Water Corporation

Plants International

Gardening Australia

Qld Garden Competitions

Annette McFarlane, Grovely TAFE

Colin Campbell's Garden Show

Open Garden Scheme

Queensland Gardening


The key dates are:.

Closing date for entries - Wednesday, 9th September 2009

Judging Day - Sunday, 13th September

Presentation Day - Sunday, 11th October

For an entry form, click here.

The categories for this year's competition are:

Please note that it is not necessary to nominate which category you wish to enter.  Our judges will assign the most appropriate category.  This year's judges will again be Noel & Heather Prior, who are both members of the Australian Horticultural Judges Association.  Noel is also President of the South East Qld Branch of the Judges Association.

The Hills District and Bunya Garden Competition wish to recognise the generosity and support of our sponsors.  Residents can show their appreciation by supporting these sponsors.



Two photos of all gardens entered in the competition will appear below shortly after judging day.   Please use the hyperlinks below for specific suburbs.

Arana Hills Gardens

Everton Hills Gardens

Ferny Hills Gardens

Bunya Gardens

Arana Hills Gardens



Everton Hills Gardens



Ferny Hills Gardens


Bunya Gardens