This page allows local residents and community organisations to advertise and record local events (ie those relevant to Ferny Hills residents). Anyone wishing to add content to this page should email attaching any images that you wish to appear on the site. Only non-political, non-profit events will be accepted.
Click here for events prior to 2006.
October, 2007 - Garden Competition Presentations
October, 2006 - Garden Competition Presentations
The 2006 Hills District and Bunya Garden Competition presentations were held at the Arana Leagues Club, Dawson Parade, Keperra in 1st October. Brian Battersby filled the role of Master of Ceremonies. Special guests included Peter Dutton, the federal member for Dickson.
Presentation Day
Sponsor's Table
Grand Champions
President's Trophy
Second, Residential Gardens
Third, Residential Gardens
First, Acreage Gardens
Second, Acreage Gardens
First, New Entry Gardens
Second, New Entry Gardens
First, Backyard Gardens
First, Waterwise Gardens
Second, Waterwise Gardens
Third, Waterwise Gardens
Meritorious Gardens
Meritorious Gardens
Meritorious Gardens
Meritorious Gardens
September, 2004 - Garden Competition Presentations
June, 2004
Melva Welch's contribution to the community and the history of Pine Rivers Shire recognised in the Queen's birthday honours.
Dedication of former Arana Hills and District Progress Association community Hall as an Aged Respite Centre - November