Garden Competition - A Brief History


In 1968 the first Garden Contest was organized by a subcommittee of the former Arana Hills and District Progress Association.  It was open to all residents of the Hills District. Considering the sprinkling restrictions in the early days of the area, it is a credit that there were any gardens at all.

The costs of the Competition were shared between the Arana Hills and District Progress Association and the Ferny Hills Progress Association (FHPA).  Unfortunately the Arana Hills and District Progress Association ceased to exist in 2000 and the FHPA assumed full financial responsibility for the Competition.  In 2002 the Ferny Hills Progress Association (Inc) assumed full responsibility for the Competition and it is now constituted as a subcommittee of the FHPA.

The Competition has grown considerably since its first humble days. There are now more than 20 prize winners including major prizes and incentive awards.

Click here to have a look at some of the previous years' winning gardens.